
I´m journalist and author of Hausfrau – kotona Sveitsissä (Atena, 2015), living in Switzerland with my Finnish-Costarican family. I also give Finnish classes and do Tarinapaja-workshops for Finnish speaking kids in abroad. We make stories together and individually, in order to activate the language in a creative way.

The blog is actually an exercise for myself, something, that keeps the words coming. As a storyteller I observe little things of the everyday life, cultural stuff and of course I write about my favorite themes, food and exercise, including nice cafés and fabulous routes on the mountains.

My columns can be read in Finnish the paper version of the newspaper Keskisuomalainen.

Here are a couple of articles or blogposts related to my book and to living abroad: Kotiliesi, Eniten minua kiinnostaa tie, Zürichsee Zeitung, Mari A:n kirjablogi, Tuhat ja yksi kirjaa, Kirjavinkit

If you are interested in cooperation, send me a mail (liisa.helve@bluewin.ch) and we´ll figure out something that interests you, me and the readers. Here you can find an example, a cooperation with lovely Sisucas Boutique, based in Switzerland.

2 responses

  1. Hello,
    what an amazing blog! Especially for the retired librarian who has no possibility to travel anywhere but is able to read and see what new will be there today.
    Good luck for a better tomorrow for the journalist!
    Kiitos hienosta blogista, upeita kuvia ja mahtavia oivalluksia. Niistä tunnistaa paitsi alan ammattilaisen, myös Sinut itsesi.
    Voimahalein ja terveisin, Maria Turusta


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